After so long wait, finally, it's here. Hope I can read more like this. Take care NISH!!! Kunai din snowMan ma vetera coffee khaula hai.

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Thanks for your kind words, Himal. Appreciate it. Ya. Someday. You can always ping me when you are back in Nepal. :)

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sure yar.

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Jun 13, 2021Liked by Nish

hi Nish,

i was happy to see one of your letters again! don't ask me how I am as this is a question I am dreading more than I normally do these days. as always I found something to relate to, the whole linear life path, and playing the long game is something I've been thinking a lot about. The idea of making peace with my life at 40 does give me some relief, maybe I'll be more sure about what I want and what I can/can't do, maybe I'll get to know more people who share my thoughts.

I'm glad things are going slightly better for you..i hate giving advice but I'll leave you with the cliche of "take things one step at a time" and "be open to more things (this maybe safety schools or safety countries or safety careers or anything else you have convinced yourself sucks)". also as a layperson who is not you, I know that you know a lot of things I don't and you wouldn't be in your job if you hadn't demonstrated some level of competence, I've written statements of motivation before and know that when you don't believe in your strengths that somehow comes across in your letters. i hope you can find ways to believe in yourself

and lastly congrats on your spotify account and single ! I found it pleasing so far and think I'll listen to it when doing coding/reading.

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Thanks a lot for taking the time to reflect back and write these words. Appreciate it. In fact, as I write this, I am having another morning crisis, listening to narration to "Dictionary of Obscure sorrows". Every time I tend to reflect back on these words, that there are people like me, like us...who are going through their own shit...Every time I take a reverse gear...Every time things start to "not make sense"...I am reminded of one word: "Sonder". That everyone has their own story. I think that's beautiful. I think that it's equally beautiful that we are here in a pale blue dot...hurling through the unknowns... It's like we are NPC in someone else's game. And sometimes we are just the main character.

I guess we are just like a tiny little ant inside a glass slab...staring up towards the void... :)


Also thanks for listening to Eerie. Appreciate it.



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Jun 16, 2021Liked by Nish

hey ! cool video although i was expecting a video of actual ants in a glass slab after that sentence ! sonder is such a thought provoking word, what it represents is so significant but difficult to understand because of how absorbed we can be in ourselves...sorrow even if it's in a similar context can be experienced differently by different people.

my pleasure :) and thanks for keeping us posted ! we are rooting for you

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Haha. My bad. Regarding ant metaphor, one of my favorites (philosophical) videos is from our very own turtle guy (Exurb1a):


Have a look at it. A little warning: be prepared for more existential dread.

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